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About HealthTech Ecosystem
in the United Arab Emirates. Beta Version

Comprehensive Guide to the UAE HealthTech Ecosystem

Welcome to the UAE HealthTech Ecosystem IT Platform (beta version), a unique collaborative initiative created by Deep Knowledge Group and its subsidiaries Aging Analytics Agency, Deep Pharma Intelligence, FemTech Analytics, NeuroTech Analytics, and Deep Knowledge Analytics. As a central hub for resources, information, and interaction, our platform serves as a comprehensive guide to the thriving UAE HealthTech ecosystem.

The platform offers a wide range of features designed to inform, engage, and inspire:

 • Comprehensive profiles of companies, investors, R&D centers, non-profits, clinics, scientists and entrepreneurs

 • An in-depth analysis of the UAE's HealthTech ecosystem, its history, current state, and future potential

 • A collaborative space for users to contribute to the platform's development and stay updated on its latest advancements

We invite you to join our community and explore the vast opportunities within the UAE HealtTech landscape. Engage with the wealth of information available, contribute to the growth and development of the industry, and help shape the future of science, technology, healthcare and wellness. Get started today and discover the power of collaboration in this rapidly evolving field.


HealthTech in the United Arab Emirates Teaser 2024

Explore the "HealthTech in the United Arab Emirates 2024" for an in-depth analysis of cutting-edge technologies in the HealthTech field, comprehensive market trend analysis, and a breakdown of regional market segments.

Uncover the connections between the UAE's geography, politics, and other unique attributes and their impact on the HealthTech sector. Join us on this platform for expert insights into a rapidly growing and dynamic industry.

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HealthTech in the United Arab Emirates
Analytical Report 2024

Please fill in the form below to join our waitlist and get early access the "HealthTech in the United Arab Emirates Analytical Report 2024". We will inform you when it is published.

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Partners and Contributors to the Project

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Aging Analytics Agency is the world’s premier provider of industry analytics on the topics of Longevity, Precision Preventive Medicine and Economics of Aging, and the convergence of technologies such as AI, Blockchain, Digital Health and their impact on the healthcare industry.

Deep Pharma Intelligence (color).png

Deep Pharma Intelligence, an analytical subsidiary of Deep Knowledge Group, specializes in biotech innovation profiling, market intelligence, and development advisory. They create advanced tools and reports for deep insights in high-growth areas.

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Deep Knowledge Group is a data-driven consortium of commercial and non-profit organizations active on many fronts in the realm of DeepTech and Frontier Technologies (AI, Longevity, BioTech, Pharma, FinTech, GovTech, SpaceTech, FemTech, Data Science, InvestTech), ranging from scientific research to investment, entrepreneurship, analytics, consulting, media, philanthropy and more.

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FemTech Analytics (FTA) is a specialized agency focusing on the emerging FemTech sector. They offer insights into various FemTech subsectors, such as Reproductive Health, Mental Health, Menstrual Health, and more. FTA provides research, company profiling, and consulting services to support and advance the FemTech industry.

NeuroTech Analytics (color).png

NeuroTech Analytics is the leading provider of analytics, forecasting, and benchmarking for the NeuroTech industry, founded by Alon Braun of Riverbanks Solutions and Dmitry Kaminskiy from Deep Knowledge Group.

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Deep Knowledge Analytics is a leading provider of advanced analytics on DeepTech and frontier-technology industries. The company utilises sophisticated multidimensional frameworks and algorithmic methods  deliver insightful market intelligence, pragmatic forecasting, and tangible industry benchmarking.

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